21 candidates presented their projects to a jury panel made of mentors of the project (specialists in awareness and creation of companies and professionals from the local area). For the first exercise of this new adventure, everyone had to present his/her project and its progress to the jury in 15 minutes. An objective and fair selection process was made through an interview grid which consisted of 15 criterias (clarity of presentation, market understanding, perspective, etc.) the completion of which was used to select the candidates.
Some examples of entrepreneurs and their projects:
- Nejma, 20, youth group leader would like to sell animation services and manage a playroom for children and parents. She has raised € 6,000 to launch her business.
- Dababo (his stage name) is a true artist. A 25 year old former dancer, he is now expressing himself through leather goods made out of truck tarpaulins. He has already been recognised for his talent and sold some of his products abroad. The training will enable him to identify a strategy and the necessary means for its implementation.
- Sintya, 27, is awaiting a transplant. For a year, she has been working to develop an activity that takes her illness into account. She has developed an innovative in-home teeth whitening service(Smile bar) which uses organic products. Clients are enthusiastic and her revenue is increasing but travelling to their homes is tiring for her, so she hopes to open a shop. In addition : while she participates in the training, her daughter has been welcomed to the Apprentis d’Auteuil nursery!
Other examples of our brilliant businesses will be added soon. Meanwhile this week all of our entrepreneurs started mapping their business through the Business Model Canvas (BMC).
Posted by: Apprentis d’Auteuil