Business Fest – Open Day is part of a series of events organized by K.A.B.A. Slovensko organization, partner in Youth Enterprise Accelerator Project supported by Lifelong Learning Programme of EU.
Main goal of the event was familiarization of the participants with YEA project, awareness spreading and participants' engageing in specific project activities. The Business Fest was organized with support of our local partner Cancel [X] coworking centre in Martin and local grocery chain BioBox.
The event was supported by and TVT (Turiec Television). During opening Business Fest - Open Day project manager Mgr. Martin Kubiš presented the idea and message of YEA project. Project Lectures were introduced. Around 40 visitors consisting mainly of young people in 20 – 35 age range, with their own aspirations and vision about their future. Part of the visitors were already active in the creative area and business opportunities are an untouched territory for them. Voluntary sign up for the future workshops took place as well. The presentation was well received.
Workshops organized by K.A.B.A. Slovensko are mainly focused on supporting business activities of young people, solving real problems, helping with orientation in legislative conditions and detailing the newest trends and opportunities. One of the innovative business tools that the visitors have opportunity to uncover was the Business Model Canvas.
This model is an effective tool for new businessmen and at the same time it can help to navigate activities of already existing businesses. The Business Model Canvas was also successfully applied in start-up area.
The whole event had a nice atmosphere, which was enhanced by our chosen space - Cancel [X] presents creative space where young ambitious people can meet. The result of the event was, besides familiarization with YEA project and choosing of workshop participants, creation of new contacts, mutual learning about each other's activities and overall regional networking. The visitors had opportunities to choose from different refreshments from local producers and spend an evening full of information and helpful suggestions. We are hoping that similar events will be as successful in the future and we are already looking forward to workshops and their participants.
Posted by: KABA